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I am a versatile actor whose wheelhouse is anything warm, funny, intelligent and "unhinged". I have done everything from one-woman shows and musical theatre to Shakespeare. I am comfortable with technical language and medical / legal jargon. I love fast, witty dialogue; vibrant, unapologetic characters; and inspired storytelling. Most of all, I love the challenge of bringing life and truth to every character I play.


I am an artist who understands the joy and "play" in creating, but who also recognizes what it takes to direct the creativity and efforts of others into a tangible, shareable work of art. I am a director who adores actors, who strives to help them discover their own genius and truth so they can shine.  I recognize the journey and the challenges artists face. I am a discoverer, nourisher, defender and rehabilitator of artists.

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Some might see me

as a living, breathing contradiction.

Little about me makes sense,

except for one constant:




I’ve spent most of my life

working very hard to deny this…

pursuing an endless string of random careers, 

The ONLY thing that kept me tethered to my DREAM 

was teaching the next generation of artists,

something I did for over 30 years, 

when I wasn't getting sidetracked trying

to find a “real” career.


The artists I raised did not believe 

that art was a secondary, frivolous pursuit...

something you got to do

after "real" work was accomplished. 


Their courage made me realize

I had been a pretender

who had lived her entire life

with one toe dipped in the pond...


Watching my students (now "my tribe")

make their mark on the world

REAWAKENED something in me,

especially when they invited me to PLAY.

I stopped denying my TRUE self.


It has been a long journey to get here,

but at last...



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